Community Groups

We need each other. Like need, need.

We believe the Bible teaches that Christians severely limit their spiritual growth and even their own personal relationship with God when they disconnect from other believers. Having been made in the image of a God who for all eternity has existed in community as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, mankind is not meant to live life alone. It's just not good.

And even when we gather on Sunday mornings, it's easy to blend in with everyone else. The temptation can be to get there right on time and leave as soon as it's over. And with health concerns and online streaming, it's even easier to feel disconnected. It's just not good.

That's why we emphasize our community groups so much.

We have three in-home options. One is on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 P.M. in the Clarkdale area and a second is on Sunday evenings at 5:00 P.M. in the Northeast area. These both start with eating dinner together and then childcare is available during the study time. The third option meets in Livingston, Alabama, on Wednesdays at 6:30 P.M. Click here to e-mail us for details and locations.

The online version is on Sunday at 6:00 P.M. We use Zoom as our virtual interface and study God's Word together for about an hour. Click here to join the online meeting.


Who are you following?

Everybody is following somebody or something. Put another way, everyone is a disciple. The question is not, "Are you a disciple?" It's "Who or what are you a disciple of?"

Two thousand years ago, Jesus invited His first disciples to, "Come, and follow Me." But what does it mean to follow Jesus today, in our busy, digitally-distracted, and increasingly secular cities?

Over the last two millennia, millions of people have said "Yes" to Jesus' invitation. It's changed not only their lives, but the course of human history.

And it can do the same for you.