Christmas at LoveNOW

The Christmas season is a very special one for every follower of Jesus as we set aside this time to remember the incredible Gift sent to us more than two thousand years ago. It's about so much more than trees, gifts, or even time with family!


The four Sundays before Christmas are the season of the Church calendar known as Advent.

It is a time of focused preparation for the coming celebration and is meant to get our hearts ready to remember the manger. We will have special, seasonal messages on Sunday mornings to help you and your family make the most of this wonderful time of year.

Free for All

Each December, we collect new and gently-used clothes, household items, toys, and more to give away to those in need in our community. Click here to learn more about contributing or participating in what we call "Free for All". This event was held on Saturday, December 3, at 8:00 A.M.

Christmas Eve Celebration

It has become a tradition for us at LoveNOW to come together each Christmas Eve to celebrate the season one last time. This service is brief and family-friendly to fit in with your other holiday plans. It starts at 6:00 P.M. on Saturday, December 24, 2022.


Although Christmas falls on a Sunday this year, we will still gather together in our regular weekly time at 10:30 A.M. The gathering will be abbreviated and family-friendly since we will not provide nursery services. Come as you are and celebrate one more time what - or WHO - Christmas is really all about!

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

Like most churches in the Southern Baptist Convention, we take a special offering each Christmas season to help support overseas missions. You can give using the special envelopes at one of our services or give online here and changing the fund from 'General' to 'Lottie Moon Christmas Offering'. Our goal for 2022 is to collect $1,000 for this offering, with every penny going to fund the international advancement of the gospel.

You can learn about the legacy of missionary Lottie Moon and this offering here.